FAQ Of Hotel Investors

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions pertaining to Hotel Investors and our services. If you need further assistance or can not find an answer to your question on our FAQ page, please contact us via the email form on the contact page.

What are your locations of interest?

USA only.

How do you determine the value of my hotel?

We are analytical hotel investors. We review all of the facts but the most important aspects of the hotel are its profitability and cash flow.

Will you buy my hotel with cash?

It depends. Do you prefer cash now or a higher price and larger payout over time? We work with hotel sellers to design a package that will meet their financial needs.

How fast can you close on a sale of my hotel?

As fast as possible. As soon as we have the requested information from the hotel seller we can formulate an offer within a day or two.

What about some of the deferred maintenance and needed repairs?

We buy hotel properties in any condition. We will perform the maintenance and make the repairs after the hotel ownership has changed hands.

If I request an offer from your hotel investment group, am I obligated to sell my hotel?

No. There is no obligation when requesting an offer. We hope you will accept our offer, and if so, you are then obligated to sell and close the transaction.

Contact us with the email form on the right.

Are You Ready To Sell Your Hotel? Fill Out The Form

We are Hotel Investors and we buy hotels in any physical condition. We will assume all of the repairs.